Keyboard Friends, lend me your eyes for the purpose of reading another garbage post from your (not) favourite Keyboard store in Sunshine, Victoria! I’m sure everyone here is annoyed at the sheer frequency of posts, but, you know what? TOUGH.
We committed to bi-monthly updates this year and godammit we’re gonna make it, even if it means we’re effectively losing customers by over communicating. It’s either this or I spam you all non-stop in your IMs and Instagram, so trust me it’s better this way. Just humour us while we give you updates for GBs and products you likely don’t care about or never knew existed.
ANZAC Day Hours
Yes, we're open on Tuesday, 25th April for ANZAC Day trade! Come on down if you're in the market for some keyboard stuff on your day off. We'll be open 10am-1pm.
Mochi40 has arrived!
Please log a ticket via our Discord (here’s the link in case you need it) if you need a change to your order or update your address. Extras will be live potentially at the end of the week or over the weekend.
FINAL DAY for GMK Blot! Don't miss this one!
Thoughtfully designed by our mages at ELOQUENTCLICKS GMK BLOT is at set that features a blood red blot colour way and runic sublegends. It’s elegant in it’s form, with a nasty theme. I‘m mega mega biased (based? Both? Who knows) and I couldn’t be more obvious, it’s the set I’ve loved since it was intended for another manu. Absolutely do not miss this one.
Group buys are in order of run date, please scroll to find your GB of choice. Shipped GBs have dropped off the list, extras are available in their respective product pages if there are any left. UPDATED FOR 2023, new year same old awful me.
MW Alpenglow / Keycaps |
STATUS: Manu delayed |
ETA: Q2-Q3, 2023 |
KBM Love Detective / Keycaps |
STATUS: Manu completing end of the month |
ETA: Q4, 2022 |
DCS WoB / Keycaps |
STATUS: Manu completing in April |
ETA: Q2, 2023 |
KBM Fairy / Keycaps |
STATUS: Queued for production |
ETA: Q1, 2023 |
MW Pavilion / Keycaps |
STATUS: Queued for production |
ETA: Q3, 2023 |
Deadline Studio AIR Series / Keycaps |
STATUS: Shipping to ALLCAPS (due April) |
ETA: Q1, 2023 |
Kitsune / Keyboard Kit |
STATUS: Manu completing soon due to PCB issues |
ETA: Q1, 2023 |
DMK HX-20 / Keycaps |
STATUS: Manufacturing |
ETA: Q2, 2023 |
DMK Rubber / Keycaps |
STATUS: Manufacturing |
ETA: Q2, 2023 |
Tyche One / Keycaps |
STATUS: Shipping to ALLCAPS (in April container) |
ETA: Q2, 2023 |
Klash of the Kaiju / Deskmats |
STATUS: Invoicing |
ETA: Q2, 2023 |
Knight 313 / Keyboard Kit |
STATUS: Invoicing |
ETA: Q3, 2023 |
Deadline Studio Retro66 / Keyboard Kit |
STATUS: collating orders with vendors, in stock units ready to ship |
ETA: Q2, 2023 for in-stock orders |
Display 15 Artisan Tray / Accessories |
STATUS: Collating orders, invoicing |
ETA: Q2, 2023 |
Here is the next container’s contents. These are the boxes of things that are currently sitting inside a large metal box that is sitting on a ship somewhere between China and Melbourne.
STATUS: At sea
ETA: Late April, around 32th
- Tyche One
- MMSTUDIO Mera Mera no Mi Switch
- Deadline Studio AIR Keycaps
Things that you could possibly buy later that will ship even later. Limited run, one
Our first GMK Group Buy from our very good mates at ELOQUENTCLICKS. Please read the above (or just bask in the glory that is GMK Blot).
MMSTUDIO Mera Mera no Mi Switch
The Mera Mera no Mi Switch is on the way, due in the April container which will arrive around the 32th.
X Switch designed by XY Studio - Live 29th
Manufactured by BSUN these factory lubed (with 205 and 105) linear might just be the perfect factory lubed linears. With an operating force of 45g they’re so daily-driver-able you wont know what hit you. Look out for a typing test this week before the drop. Geekhack link here, for reference.
Not much has restocked this month as we are preparing for a massive influx of pre-order and group buy stuffs to arrive from our forwarders.
Krytox Lubricants
ETA Late April!
Ordered a GALLON OF PFTE OIL. YES. ETA 29th.
Gateron Pro Milky Yellows
Restocked pals!
Blue Bubblegums
Also restocked pals!
KNC Keys Green Jacket V1.5
Did you sleep on these? Probably. Don’t worry, we got you pals. Available in stock and ready to ship, with a reduced stem length to reduce strain on your precious fingies.
Everything coming in is from a pre-order or Group Buy, which is incredible. Can’t wait to get these things into your hands. But, all these things coming in has been mega distracting on stocking up on in-stock bangers.
Block-67 r2 65% Keyboard Kit
Still a few of these bad boys in stock! Don’t forget to score one if you’re really into 65%s or you’re just after a staple 65 for your lineup. I love it, you can too.
Mochi40 Extras - likely live April 29th
Each colourway will be available when we drop extras, along with plates and all the required add-ons one might need to make a cracking 40% build. I will be recording a build guide for this board for anyone interested, cause it’s the sum of a few parts. Personally, I’m very excited for this board - PINK COME AT ME.
Deadline Studio AIR-R Keycaps due 29th
Due with the latest container drop on the 29th, you can score these now for pre-order!
Honeydew Switches
Finalising details at the moment, format and drop date. SOONtm
Another MONSTER of a set from our boy PJ is incoming, prepare yourselves.
PBTfans Subarashī
INCOMING PRE-ORDER alert. This is going to sell out so make sure you hop on quick, we are seriously spoilt for banging sets this year and we couldn’t be more happy to be bringing this set to OCE. Keep your eyes peeled for updates…
That’s kinda it. I don’t really know what to write at the end of these things cause it’s been hours to get to here, so here’s a photo of my idol.
Cheers, pals.