Can you imagine yet another update from your least favourite keyboard store? Well, your dreams have come true because here’s another boring update…
March should really be re-named to Ciel month and not March cause WE GOT ALL THE CIELS BABY. In 5 colours too, not even lying. We completed all of the QC this week and have begun the painstaking process of packing and allocating all of the hardware now the packaging has arrived. Be on the lookout for shipping notes in the next week or so!
International Shipping, now!
In other news we have now finally opened up international shipping on all items including GB orders. So, should you prefer to order from ALLCAPS then you can do so from anywhere.
Store Revamp
The fun thing about having a physical shop is that we can mess with the layout. This week we got more racks to put things (that's right sports fans, no longer will things pile up on the floor) and a place for deskmats. This layout is 100% not set in stone, however it works for now. Please don't trash the place, it's taken months to get to this point.
Opening Hours
We are toying with the opening hours somewhat. We have reduced the timing of weekday opens from 3pm to 2:30pm and in April we plan to start Wednesdays. Soon we will start toying with Friday nights and look to extend Saturdays to 2pm as well. Thanks for being kind and working with us while we learn the ins and outs of this, we're not super smart so it takes a while to learn new things.
Thank you for showing up!
Honestly, the shop was opened mainly as a place to store all the keyboard stuff I normally just piled up in my house. Never would we have imagined that people would actually show up, chat, hang out and just be in the space. So, a huge thank you all who have made the trek out to our Sunshine location!
Artisans now!
This is week we unveiled the first of many artisan drops on ALLCAPS. Krakenkap is up first with a limited drop of Void Owl and Cocademon in BoW or WoB colourways. Limited drop available immediately, in stock, ready to ship.
This is the first of many and we are stoked to be able to bring you in stock artisans are reasonable prices.
Group buys are in order of run date, please scroll to find your GB of choice. New format, hopefully less torture for our friends viewing on mobile.
SA PolyClear / Keycaps |
STATUS: Invoices Paid, Manu starting soon |
ETA: Q4, 2022 |
Ciel60 / Keyboard Kit |
STATUS: QC Complete, shipping next week |
ETA: Late Q1, 2022 |
BBN Linear / Switches |
ETA: Q1, 2022 |
Trans Awareness Mats / Deskmats |
STATUS: Manu underway, delays due to COVID in HK & China |
ETA: Q2, 2022 |
Seiryu Deskmats / Deskmats |
STATUS: Shipping to us now |
ETA: Q2, 2022 |
Switchlab Journey Mats / Deskmats |
ETA: Q1, 2022 |
Pantheonkeys Stone Lion Mats / Deskmats |
STATUS: Invoice processed |
ETA: Q3, 2022 |
Switchlab Eclipse Mats / Deskmats |
STATUS: Invoicing |
ETA: Q3, 2022 |
Contra Mechade Mats / Deskmats |
STATUS: Collating extras, invoicing soon |
ETA: Q3, 2022 |
MW Alpenglow / Keycaps |
STATUS: Extras have been collated, invoicing soon |
ETA: Q3, 2022 |
Detailed updates
Ciel 60% Update
MOST of the packaging has arrived now and shipping is imminent. We’re just awaiting the arrival of some smaller bags to house the hardware for all of the boards (screws, feet, Daughterboards and such). We do think they will arrive early next week so we can begin to push out the boards to you all starting Tuesday of next week.
Below is an example of a unit in QC, they have all been successfully QC’d with no major defects found.
Ciel Extras
Expect these to drop on the site in 2 weeks. We are planning to fulfill the GB orders first, beginning this coming weekend THEN we will list up the GB stock that we have left over. Prepare yourselves!
All the Ciels are now packed and ready, a few are below. We will announce extras on our discord and in AUMK once they’re available. Don’t stress, there is plenty for everyone in every colour offered.
Things that you could possibly buy later that will ship even later. Limited run, one time thing - you know the deal.
DMK x Zero G Studio Midnight 25th Feb - 20th Mar
Final week for this magnificent set. Get in before it's too late! Midnight is a spooky set that features light and dark alphas in your choice of double or triple shot alphas. Coupled with a wide variety of add ons like a switch, cable, a couple of artisans and a lovely deskmat. Probably one of the sets of the year, lowkey.
Things we restocked, or reupped again for your purchasing pleasure, or pain. Depends on what you like, really. Not many this month cause we've been slammed on GBs/we over ordered everything.
Krytox Lubricants
204 and 205 will be heavily restocked at the weekend.
Dielectric Grease
So, this is weird. I accidentally WAAAAAY over ordered in the space of 2-3kg worth and we have none left. Either you guys are fiends for DG (and lets be real, who isn't) or we lost some in the move. Either way, there's only a couple of tubs left but expect a restock in the next week or so.
Lubed & Filmed Switches
Gateron Pro Milky Yellows have been lubed up by the one and only Alex the Polymer Painter. They will be up next, ETA 23rd March.
Switch Testers
We have started to put these together, the product page will be revamped soon so y'all can cop cop cop
Cherry MX Blacks and MX Browns
Another restock has been ordered, it's shipping to us right now. ETA 24th March.
Durock Springs
Quote pending from Durock as a lot of springs are OOS, we'll get what we can for you all. ETA 3rd April.
Lots of GB dropped this last few weeks for us and it's been a time getting these ready and shipped for you all. See, we're into keyboards not logistics. In fact, I actually don't know if logistics nerds exist... but we are now them. We have developed a totally (not) bulletproof system to accept new goods, shelve them, pack them and then convert them into in stock, ready to ship items. It's called: running a keyboard store, for dummies. Might make it a book one day or maybe we'll just keep this up long enough to open a Sydney location. Who knows.
Anyways, below is the stuff that's in stock now cause the vast majority of GB orders have shipped.
Built By Nim Linears
Now the GB orders have (mostly) gone out we are offering the BBN linears at the GB price for a limited time! The 68g springs will be listed in the coming week.
Journey Deskmats
All GB orders will be shipped by next week, extras will be live late next week. Just working on the product page for the in stock models. There's a few in the shop if you want to see them in person!
Charue Switches
We have also packed up the last of the GB orders and these are now available in stock!
Lube Stations
Built by a local maker, in-stock and ready to party. Available in two sizes. We are reviewing the protos again, they will be available but we need more time to release them. ETA Late-April.
Aqua Kings
CNY ruined the run on these, they will be restocked in April most likely.
WE’RE OPEN! 2/77 Hampshire Rd, Sunshine.
TUE 10-2:30
WED 10-3 (Beginning April)
THU 10-2:30
SAT 10-12ish
I say ish on Saturday as it wholly depends on who we are staffing the shop with each weekend. If it's me, well I have children commitments so I gotta bounce early. If it's one of the boys it could be open until 2. We have setup a discord channel specifically for this purpose, so you can see when and who is in the shop. Please go ahead and join us here
Later, gater