Batten down your hatches and set your neighbour’s house on fire: it’s another wild ALLCAPS monthly update.
Kinda missed the last one due to not really having anything of value to add. Also, HOLY SMOKES 2021 is nearly over.
Its a thing still, join if you’d like more up to the minute updates or you wanna burn me daily.
Still on the way! Should be back next week.
A Martian ViewPhenomenal Deskmat created by Contrakeys channeling retro-TechTarget space vibes. Available in four colourways! Requested by the community and made available at ALLCAPS!
Status: Shipping to ALLCAPS
ETA: September-October 2021
GB link:
Update: Production of our mats has completed and the mats have been shipped to us! YEW! Downside, it’s sea freight the slowest of all freights. Tracking well but likely the last week of the month/early next.
Extras will be made available once the GB orders are shipped.
Wildlife Series Switches
Rebult Keyboards latest switches are absolutely LIGHTS OUT. They are long pole, Zykos and Cherry Pie homages wrapped in a little local Malay flair. The Penyu (Turtle) Linear and Harimau (Tiger) Tactile sound insane stock, even better lubed and will be available in both variants through ALLCAPS for AU & NZ customers. Group buy is open now at ALLCAPS, don’t miss out!
Status: Manufacturing
ETA: Q4 2021
GB Link:
Update: Invoice paid and JWK have already kicked off production. Delivering this year for sure.
SA Polyclear
We are incredibly humbled to be a part of this phenomenal GB! ALLCAPS will be vendoring this set to AU/NZ customers!
Transparent Polycarb Keycaps in classic sculpted SA, with number of kits (including 40s!) so you can go the whole hog and complete your transparent build, or punctuate an existing set with some nice clear blanks! Be sure to check the IC on Geekhack to get the full run down before the buy opens in September.
ETA: Q1 2022
GB Link:
Update: GB opening 12am, Sept 20th!
Idyllic Films
Durock POM Linears
Due Friday 24th!
Durock Stabs
Also, also restocked. Due 24th. I made a giant order from Durock last week and they shipped it over the weekend. HEAPS coming in next week.
Dielectric Grease
Re-restocked and even more on the way!
Lubed & Filmed Switches
A very small batch are available on the site now! Our good friend the Switch Doc is working on some MX Blacks for y’all.
Durock Thick Films
I have ordered a small batch of Durock’s NEW thick films. They are .3mm thick, closer to that of the standard Deskeys film. ETA Friday, 24th.
Idyllic Keyboard Stands
Long time ALLCAPS contributor, Idyllic has supplied a batch of his v3 stands to us starting in September. They retail for $28. AVAILABLE NOW!
Durock Springs
We are proud to bring you Durock Long and Multi-stage springs starting in September! GET HYPED LEGENDS! A number of weights will be on offer and they will be priced reasonably, I am not able to say what that is just yet. ETA Friday, 24th.
Switch Openers
Partnering with our mates at Pantheon Keys, we will be bringing in these lovely openers this year. Magnetic bottom and top cases align with prongs for both Kailh and MX style switches these are soooo nice. Proto is on the way to us for preview, then we will be offering these IN STOCK.
Group Buys
Somehow, ALLCAPS has expanded into Group Buys! We will continue to bring you a couple of super high quality, targeted and very deliberate buys every month. Mats. Switches and Keycaps have all been run so far. We will likely be running a board or two this year as well. Thank you SO DAMN MUCH for your support.
ThicThacThok x ALLCAPS Cables
Not only have we partnered with ThicThacThok, Australia’s number one streamer to bring you discounted ALLCAPS item. But your boy John has punched out some cables for us too. These will retail for $50 & $60 respectively, giving you a super high quality but home grown cable option. They will be available late September.
I start writing these things while watching YouTube and typically begin with the intention of writing not much, just the essentials. But as I get distracted with fire YT videos I ramble. Sorry about that, so until next time kids!
Later gater,