ALLCAPS Late-May 2022 Updates! Introducing TinyMats, Block67 R2, Switchapalooza!

ALLCAPS Late-May 2022 Updates! Introducing TinyMats, Block67 R2, Switchapalooza!

 What a month at ALLCAPS. And of course, by that I mean the looming sense of existential dread has claimed another victim (me). In that though, there's some bright sides, keyboards are still a thing and man are they fun to use on the daily. This month we have SO MANY damn switches for you to try it's actually mental, like more than we have had ever. 

At the same time, our second keyboard kit is live! The Block67 R2 Group Buy started just two days ago and we're absolutely smitten with it. R1 sold out pretty quick, so ENG Studio have reached out to a number of worldwide vendors to make it easier for y'all to cop it local and save on that shipping cost. Some minor tweaks have been made to the internals, the colours are wikkid (brah, for real) and there are heaps of add-ons to dial in your build!

At the same time (redux), we have been developing IN COMPLETE SECRET the ALLCAPS TinyMats concept. To be fair, there is nothing new here, they're just small mats that are the same size as your favourite custom board form factors - 60/65 and TKL. More details below!

We are still looking at opening up the workshop for AUMK members! IC from is here.The workshop will be FREE and open to all, you will just need to book a spot. Please use the IC form to register interest and we will be in contact soon. ETA Early-Mid June, pals.

Opening Hours
We’re still live (somehow) at 2/77 Hampshire Rd, Sunshine, now with more google maps. They even installed our kitchen last week, so we're legit now that we can make our own coffee without leaving. How good is that? Want a coffee? BRING YOUR OWN!

Updated hours for winter:
TUE 10-2
THU 10-2
SAT 10-1

Every day we are open we post to our discord group in the Office Updates channel so you know who is there that day and if there is an impact to our operational hours that day (life happens, ya know). 



Just an idea we have been kicking the ALLCAPS office for a while now. Cause we run a LOT and I mean A LOT of deskmats, we thought: “What if these mats were smaller..?” We have recently received our first round of prototypes from our manu in both our 60/65 and TKL variants and we’re pretty happy with them!

Our plan for TinyMats for them to be available in-stock after passing a few protos around for feedback from community members we love and trust (feel free to reach out if you’d like to receive a proto to offer feedback). Pricing is currently undecided, however we are looking to drop them for around $20-25 AUD give or take.

We have created an IC form here if you’d like to register your interest! I double dare you.

While they will 100% be offered in-stock, however we will be offering them for pre-order at 20% off for OGs who cop round one! Make sure you fill in the IC to stay updated!



This month we have SO MANY damn switches that have either just arrived or will be coming in soon. HippoKeys Unicorn, Gat Yellows, Blue Bubblegums, Moyu.Studio Hades and a HUGE Cherry restock (including broken in bois). Wow. Wee.

You made it this far, good on you. For your efforts you get an 11% off discount code for any pre-order or in-stock switch. Use SWITCHAPALOOZA at checkout for 11% off your switches, baby! Code will only be available for about a week, don’t sleep.

 HippoKeys Unicorn - In Stock Now!

Blue Bubblegums - In stock now!

KNC Keys Green Jacket Linear - ETA Early June, 2022 - PRE ORDER OPEN

Moyu.Studio Hades - ETA Early June, 2022 - PRE ORDER OPEN


Group buys are in order of run date, please scroll to find your GB of choice. Shipped GBs have dropped off the list, extras are available in their respective product pages if there are any left.

SA PolyClear / Keycaps
STATUS: Manu starting soon
ETA: Q4, 2022
Trans Awareness Mats / Deskmats
STATUS: Manu complete, shipping to us now!
ETA: Late Q2, 2022
Pantheonkeys Stone Lion Mats / Deskmats
STATUS: Shipped, on the way to ALLCAPS!
ETA: Early Q3, 2022
Switchlab Eclipse Mats / Deskmats
STATUS: Manu underway
ETA: Q3, 2022
Contra Mechade Mats / Deskmats
STATUS: Manu underway, shipping soon
ETA: Q3, 2022
MW Alpenglow / Keycaps
STATUS: Invoice Processed, manu starting soon!
ETA: Q4, 2022
DMK x Zero G Stuido Midnight / Keycaps
STATUS: Invoice processed
ETA: Q4, 2022
allcaps Starter PBT Sets & Mats
STATUS: Invoicing
ETA: Q3, 2022
Jigen-Ryu Deskmats
STATUS: Manu underway
ETA: Q4, 2022


Detailed updates

A number of GBs have wrapped up recently and extras are available in limited quantities! 



Things that you could possibly buy later that will ship even later. Limited run, one

Block67 R2 65% Gasket Mount Keyboard Kit (May 28th-June 28th)

Based on the open-source design of the Bakeneko65, the Block-67 R2 makes a few key improvements over its progenitor. Notably, the internal dimensions of the board have been tweaked for better acoustics, the PCB has been changed to a multi-layout hotswap, and the front height has been adjusted to 17mm, complimenting the uniform 7mm bezel and giving the keyboard its titular blocky appearance.

Do not miss out on this bad boy, starting at ONLY $264 for the kit, with reduced cost add-ons this board is a no-brainer.


Blush Linear Switch (CLOSED)
This GB just finished, but we have opened up pre-order for y'all in case you missed out. These are NOT to be missed, trust me!

Designed by ALLCAPS staffer, luber and all round lovely human ^prince. The Blush linears are as beautiful as they are functional. Featuring a 58g Dual-stage spring from newcomer Aflion, they are an absolute banger of a switch. 

Kill.Switch Deskmats - PREORDER

Imagine in stock deskmats. SwitchLab’s Kill.Switch deskmats featuring a new, original character Vii, are already on the way to us and are open for preorder. We ordered a BUNCH of these and oh boy are they mad. Get in now to secure your mat, they will not last long. Now due early June as shipping has been mega delayed.


Sleeping on these mats is a horrible, horrible, butt probing mistake. Fans of mid-90s predictable sci-fi rejoice! These mats developed by community stalwart 2Moons are incredible. Live for a short time only and are NOT to be missed.



Things we restocked, or re-upped again for your purchasing pleasure, or pain. Depends on what you like, really. Not many this month cause we've been slammed on GBs/we over ordered everything.

Too many to mention, but all are above for your purchasing pleasure.

Switch Samplers
Will be restocked wit new switches, probably this week, kid!


Broken-in MX Blacks
Another drop is due around Early June. Mark your calendars and check Discord, cause we're only announcing the drops there. This time, we are again offering a break in period of 700k actuations and thus a slight price adjustment will be on the cards.

You may have noticed that ALL of our tools are OOS, this is due to me, JC being shithouse at stock management. They are due Early June.

Starter Packs
When we restock tools we will restock a SMALL amount of starter packs! ETA also late-May.



Switches my god, switches. 


ALLCAPS x Fataly Lube Stations
Built by a local legend Fatal, they will be in-stock and ready to party. Available in two sizes. We are reviewing the protos again, they will be available but we need more time to release them. ETA Early-June - thanks for your patience.



That’s it, this was long enough.

Later, gater

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